Apparently very different, they have a lot in common and gather their lovers around the mere pleasure of taste and aromas.
The art of tasting
Tea as well as
wine can be tasted, senses awake to capture the aromas evading from the glass or cup or to evaluate the texture or taste in mouth, very often with the same vocabulary (fruity, tannic, full bodied…)
The pleasure lies in the choice
Tea lovers can find today nearly as many varieties of products as varieties of wines. The tea plant can vary as much as grape varieties. The production method, the environment or the country have an influence in tea styles as well as in wine. They are both natural and lively products that can evolve along time.
Cultural decoction

Wine and tea are two ancient drinks, which left an artistic, historical or even economical mark on their culture. Painting is full of references to wine and tea is a common subject of representation in Asia. So have they inspired numerous poetry or literature works.
Even the tea ritual can be compared to the kind of ritual set up for wine tasting: decanting the wine, serving it, swirling the wine in the glass to oxygenate it…Gestures are precise to reveal the best of the aromas.
Parallel tasting
In order to back up this comparison dedicated to the pleasure of senses, I invite people living around Montpellier to join us for a tasting of 3 teas, selected by my friend Cyril from Terre de Thés and 3 wines selected by myself. The tasting will take place Friday 22nd March from 6 to 8 Pm at the restaurant L’épisode, 25 rue Hippolyte, Les arceaux. Price: 15 euros